CENTED attended the Second International Interdisciplinary Conference at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) in Nairobi, Kenya.








From 25 to 29 June 2013, in Nairobi, Kenya, the Second International Interdisciplinary Conference was held, organized by the Catholic University of Eastern Africa - CUEA (www.cuea.edu). The event, whose theme refers to the "Development Challenges in Africa", has convened a wide range of work on fields as diverse as education, agriculture, energy, social sciences, humanities, and science and technology . In total some 600 representatives from 22 countries, from the five continents presented academic papers.


Inauguration ceremony










One of the international scholars who attended (the only one from Latin America) was the president of CENTED, Stephen Beaumont who spoke in relation to "Identifying key training needs for leaders of Civil Society Organizations operating in local development." - (Download Presentation)

During the days in which the event took place, CENTED performed other activities such as a donation of books to the library of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa and the presentation to the African market, of the virtual training platform developed civil society, in English (www.cented.org)

Speaking to the press, Beaumont said: "This conference has been a very interesting experience for our institution because, although we have extensive experience in Latin America and also trained a number of organizations based in the United States and European countries, we have had little experience with African countries. Fortunately, we have however found a great interest in both our academic offerings and the experience we have gained in other countries where third sector organizations play a major role in local development issues. I am grateful both to the hosts and to colleagues from other countries with which we shared this prestigious event and we hope to move forward on several proposals for collaboration that have emerged from this meeting.













Dr. Joseph Kavulya (Deputy University Librarian), receiving books donated by CENTED for the university library











Prof. Maurice N. Amutabi, adressing the audience in the closing ceremony



Conference program