CENTED took part in the International Conference "Quality Education: Issues, Concerns, Challenges And Development," organized by the All India Association for Educational Research (AIAER) and the Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, located in Nashik, India.





Inauguration ceremony, presented by conference director, Dr. Sadashiv Chaugule




From 22 to 24 February 2014, the International Conference "Quality Education: Issues, Concerns, Challenges and Development" took place in Nashik, Maharashtra, India. This conference was organized by the All India Association for Educational Research (AIAER) and the Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University. One of the international scholars who attended the conference (the only one from the American continent) was the president of CENTED, Stephen Beaumont, who presented the paper "E-Education for leaders of Non Profit Organizations: Better technology does not necessarily lead to better outcomes."



Stephen Beaumont and Dr. Ram Takwale (Founder and Vice Chancellor of YCMOU)









In this conference, he also participated in the central panel "The State of Education in Different Countries," where foreign delegates presented brief explanations about education systems and teacher training in their respective countries, and then took questions from the audience. Representing Argentina (although he also included a brief discussion of other Latin American countries), Beaumont shared the panel with John Oluoch (Director of Rongo University College, Kenya), Leela Pradhan (Central Department of Education, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal) and Majibar Howlader Rahman (Bangladesh Science Education Association, Bangladesh), under the moderation of S. P. Malhotra (President of AIAER, India).

During the course of the event a number of meetings took place between the president and secretary of CENTED, Stephen Beaumont and Mariana Gutierrez, with participants from both India and abroad, primarily to promote the virtual training platform for civil society: . (www.cented.org)






































About AIAER :
All India Association for Educational Research is the leading national professional body of academicians, policy makers, administrators and all other stakeholders of education. It is mainly concerned with the researchers in various fields. It is established to address itself to the problems of research in education. It is much concern with the researches in quality education in India: its issues, concerns, challenges and development. The main objectives of AIAER are to develop and promote educational research and to provide a forum for discussion of problems related to educational research. It also disseminates the findings on the research and it co- operates with the organizations engaged in it. Therefore, it conducts workshops, seminars, conferences, etc. on educational research and publishes journals, monographs and other types of literature on educational research. Along with the members from all the States of India, there are more than 99 foreign delegates from different countries are also the members of this association. And thus it becomes the International Association of Educational Research.

Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU), Nashik, is an apex institution of higher education in the state of Maharashtra. YCMOU was established in July 1989 by Act XX- (1989) of the Maharashtra State Legislature. It is the Fifth Open University in the country. The jurisdiction of this university, originally for the State of Maharashtra, has now been extended beyond this State and the university can now operate anywhere across the globe. The YCMOU is a member of various prestigious associations and bodies like the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU), Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada to name a few. The main aim of the YCMOU is to become a Mass University and to make available to the common man, educational programmes that are of practical use in his day-to-day life and those that provide better prospects for the future. The University offers several offline programmes and has also embarked on a number of innovative online initiatives. The YCMOU has its headquarters at Nashik and provides support to its learners through study centres, which are spread all over the State of Maharashtra. The efforts of the university through technical, vocational, professional and liberal education programmes, application of modern communication technologies and adoption of the distance education methodology, YCMOU attempts to strive towards developing an Innovative, Flexible and Open system of education to serve better the civil society.