Call for papers
International Conference of CENTED
"Organizational Development: Culture, Education and Knowledge Management"
Organized by "Centro de Tecnología para el Desarrollo"
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Deadline for abstracts: 17th September 2017
CENTED is currently accepting abstract submissions for its Third International
Conference on Organizational Development, "Culture, Education and Knowledge
Management," to be held, totally on-line, between the 17th and 19th
of October 2017.
Conference Focus
This Conference is open to scholars, young researchers, policy-makers, activists and practitioners in the fields of Education, Business and Social Sciences regarding Organizational Development. The conference is structured to encourage interaction between scholarly analysis and practical experience, with the hope of contributing to sound policy and practice in the fields of Education, Business and Social Sciences regarding Organizational Development.
Main Objectives:
- Facilitate discussion and greater understanding
of the theoretical and practical applications of Organizational Development
research, to produce high quality research in a multidisciplinary context.
- Connect different institutions and individuals engaged in researches in
various fields relating to various levels of education within the conference
themes to share their ideas, information, and experiences.
- Reflect on different issues, ideas, strategies and methodologies so as
to find out different ways and means of using them towards Organizational
- Examine the feasibility and applicability of various approaches, models
and practices towards Organizational Development, and foresee future perspectives.
While the Conference invites papers in all areas of Education, Business and Social Sciences, submissions in the following areas are highly encouraged:
Pedagogy: learning and teaching
Curriculum design
Teaching strategies
Learning assessment
E-learning / distance learning / blended learning
Executive education: training and development
Education management
Organizational culture in educational settings
New types of organizations: what do they need to learn today?
Training and human resource development
Educational institutions as knowledge managers
What is knowledge? What is the role of learning?
Dynamics of adult learning and lifelong learning
Business Sciences
Non profit, government and corporate governance
Human resources
Information and Communication Technologies
Technologies and organizational change
Economics: micro, macro, international, public, regulatory, etc.
Product and services innovation
Public administration
Knowledge Management: Transforming personal knowledge into common knowledge
Organizational Cultures
Knowledge and culture as factors of production
Change Management: markets, clients, stakeholders and community expectations
Social Business: sustainable, environmental and responsible business
Corporate Social Responsibility
Business ethics
Social Sciences
Social development studies
Information and communication studies
Science, Technology and Innovation
Political science
State Legitimacy, Governance and Democracy
Globalization, Regional and Sub regional Integration
Collective Actions and Social Movements
Corruption, Social Violence, Organized Crime and Safety
Civil Society and Public Safety
Sustainable organizational cultures: government, community and NGOs
Environmental development, natural resources and climate change
All those interested are invited to submit proposals for papers and/or posters, based on theoretical or empirical models, related to the main theme and sub-themes of the Conference, in the fields of Education, Business and Social Sciences. Proposal ideas that extend beyond these thematic areas will also be considered.
Important Notes:
- This conference will take place fully on-line, and can be accessed from any part of the world: the only requisite being access to the Internet.
- Conference languages are English and Spanish exclusively.
Conference Proposal Guidelines
- Proposals should be between 300 and 500 words (no tables, charts or graphs).
- A maximum of two papers / posters will be accepted per registered participant.
For joint papers, certification will be issued to registered authors only.
- Proposals must include:
1- Title
2- Author's name and e-mail.
3- Presentation type (paper or poster).
4- Abstract (between 300 and 500 words).
5- Author's brief Biographical Information.
- Proposals will be accepted only as attachments through e-mail, in DOC
or DOCX format (such as from Microsoft Word or Open Office). Submission
in PDF will not be accepted.
- Please use only Times New Roman font type, size 12, single line spacing.
Page size A4, normal margins. No footnotes, references in APA style.
- Proposals for papers / posters should be submitted only via the following
email address: conference @ (remove spaces)
Instructions for submission of full
Use the same instructions as for the proposals (see above).
Maximum length 8 pages
Instructions for submission of posters
File type .jpg exclusively.
Page size A4, normal margins.
These proposals will be reviewed and, if approved, the participants will
be notified to submit the full papers or posters and the registration fee.
In case of non-approved proposals, the participants will also be notified
by e-mail (suggestions may be made in order to correct and re submit proposals).
Normally, the review process will take between 1 to 2 weeks. Once the proposals are approved and the registration fee is received, the presentation will be included in the draft program of the Conference.
Complete details of payment of registration fee will be provided upon acceptance of proposals.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline for Proposals/Abstracts:
September 17th 2017
Submission Deadline for Full Papers / Posters: October 3rd 2017
Deadline for payment of registration fee: October 3rd 2017
Registration fees
U$S 150
Includes certification and publication in conference proceedings (ISSN 2545-7799) of up to 2 (two) accepted abstracts / full papers / posters.
- Certification will be issued to all registered authors presenting 1 or 2 papers / posters (individual certification for each paper / poster).
- A maximum of two papers / posters will be accepted per registered participant. For joint papers, certification will be issued to registered authors only.
- Certification will include title and presentation type (paper or poster).
About our organization
CENTED (Centro de Tecnología para el Desarrollo) is a Nonprofit Research and Academic Organization based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, whose mission is to contribute to the development, strengthening and professionalization of Civil Society, through knowledge-based social and economic change.